With hundreds of Tests have authorities on a Corona outbreak in the popular upper Austrian resort town of St. Wolfgang is not responding. The number of confirmed cases rose to at least 50. Accordingly, many of the Infected young people in tourism enterprises, but also at least one vacation a guest was tested positive.

residents, guests, and tourism staff were asked to stay on Saturday night in their accommodation. The curfew was set at 23 hours. “Here and there there are Cancellations and cancellations” of reservations, said the head of the tourism Association of lake Wolfgang, Hans Wieser, of the dpa. Some guests had left early. St. Wolfgang is the main tourist resort in upper Austria, with more than 400,000 Nights in the previous year. In a normal season about a third of the guests are German.

hundreds of employees, tourists and Locals tested

On Friday, the first infections had become known to the public. The head of the district authority, Alois Lanz, defended on Saturday the behaviour of the trainees celebrated in several Local and could have. “We all did in our youth,” he said on the Radio.