There are certainly buyers for oily pasta. Despite the high fat and sugar content. Stiftung Warentest wanted to know whether packaged donuts can keep up with fresh donuts, what the pollutant balance is and, of course, whether the donuts taste good.

It should be clear to everyone that donuts are not easy food. A simple donut with icing or glaze brings about 350 to 450 kcal per 100 grams. Because the deep-fried yeast dough rings are available almost everywhere and come in a wide variety of flavors and decorations.

Stiftung Warentest wanted to know how much fat and sugar the donuts contain, whether they are contaminated with pollutants, whether packaged goods differ from fresh donuts from the counter and, of course, whether they taste good at all. And finally, whether the inexpensive donuts from Aldi, Lidl and Rewe and Co. can keep up with the more expensive products from chains like Dunkin’, Royal Donuts or McDonalds.

For this purpose, 19 of them were examined at prices between 0.78 cents and 5.25 euros per 100 grams. With a hole and unfilled, decorated with caster sugar, sugar, fat or chocolate icing. Twelve products are donuts sold in bulk, including four from specialty donut chains. Seven are sold as prepackaged donuts in discounters or supermarkets, four of them frozen. One large donut, or two medium ones, or three small ones makes roughly a 60 gram serving.

What unites everyone is that it is a candy. But the differences between the products in the test are still large. In contrast to other tests, however, the testers did not award overall marks, but evaluated the test points mentioned individually.

Almost all donuts contain palm oil or palm kernel fat. Large oil palm plantations in the tropics are causing massive environmental damage. Palm and coconut fat are also nutritionally unfavorable. They contain a lot of saturated fatty acids, which can have a negative effect on blood lipids. The vegan Brammibal’s cinnamon sugar donut (5.25 euros), on the other hand, only uses healthy rapeseed oil.

No product attracted negative attention with an increased level of pollution. The glazed donut from Aldi sold loose (0.92 euros per 100 grams) and the packaged caster sugar donuts from Aldi Nord (1.54 euros) and Edeka (1.35 euros) are just ahead in the product test. Great taste: Royal donuts (3.60 euros) and the frozen chocolate donuts from Bofrost (1.99 euros). Penny, on the other hand, has a price tip: the donut from the self-service counter with a pink fat glaze can be bought here for 0.78 euros per 100 grams.

The sweetest donut, the Classic from Royal Donuts, contains the equivalent of seven sugar cubes per 100 grams and is sold loose. Packaged donuts come with an average of just four pieces.