After a tractor accident with two dead children, the father of the accident point in time, 13-year-old driver is expected to receive a four-month suspended sentence. The district court of Sonthofen has issued a corresponding warrant of arrest, as a spokesman announced on Thursday. The Prosecutor’s office in Kempten had previously taken charge at the suggestion of the court. First, several media had reported about it.

According to the criminal command of the father, knew that his then 13-year-old son with the tractor is on the way. He should have inquired as to whether the Bub plane, other children take. The family had on the day of a visit from two friendly families; in the past, Konrad Kienle tractor were, according to the pregnant soon mayor rides have been on the private grounds of the Alpe usual.

On the Day of the accident, the tractor cruise went according to the order of punishment, at least in part, on public land. On public land, the driver of a tractor must be at least 16 years old and is in need of a driver’s license. Whether the accident occurred on public or private land, instead, would have to be examined in a procedure in case the father is defending against the penalty order.

Should accept the father, the order of punishment for causing death by negligence and of the intentional Allowing of driving without a driving licence, there would be a negotiation not a court. In addition to the suspended sentence, the payment of 3000 Euro to a charitable institution is provided for in the criminal command.