After the violent crime with four dead and one seriously injured in a Potsdam disabled dormitory, the suspected nursing staff member is to be examined for her culpability. The examination of the 51-year-old had been commissioned, said the spokesman of the Potsdam Public Prosecutor’s Office, Sebastian Thiele, on Friday. According to the diakonisches Einrichtung Oberlinhaus, the woman had not previously become mentally conspicuous. “All employees regularly take part in supervision and team meetings,” explained spokesperson Andrea Benke. “This is essential to protect our clients and employees.”

According to Thiele, the victims were two women aged 31 and 42 and two men aged 35 and 56. According to the Oberlinhaus, two of them had been living in the institution since childhood. The seriously injured woman is 43 years old and, according to the Oberlinhaus, on her way to recovery after emergency surgery. “This is good news for all of us,” Benke said.

The 51-year-old suspect had been provisionally committed to the forensics department of the psychiatry in Brandenburg / Havel by an arrest judge on Thursday. According to Thiele, the woman has not yet commented on the allegations. According to information from the German Press Agency, the killed residents had severe cuts. The spokesman of the public prosecutor’s office continued to provide no information on the course of action for reasons of investigative tactics. The prosecutor’s office also did not comment on the results of the autopsies of the bodies.

“Mental support is extremely important for us”

Employees and residents of the facilities of the Oberlinhaus are still in shock, Benke said. In addition to politicians, numerous employees, relatives of the victims and residents of the Thusnelda von Saldern house took part in a memorial service in the Oberlin Church on Wednesday evening, Benke reported. “As far as the corona rules allowed, the church was full, some participants stood in front of the church.”A memorial service is planned in the church in two weeks.

A great wave of solidarity that the Oberlinhaus is experiencing from associations and many private individuals from all over Europe is beneficial, said the spokeswoman. “This mental support is extremely important to us.”Even in the Potsdam district of Babelsberg, where the violence took place, the sympathy is still great. On Friday, many people laid bouquets in front of the dormitory in the Babelsberg district.