the Federal Minister of health, Jens Spahn (CDU) is a duty to Corona-Tests for travel returnees from high-risk areas to check. “We are also examining a legal obligation,” said Spahn on Saturday morning in the Germany radio. In the case of the new infections, there is currently “so a high number in a long time,” he said to the grounds. “What we have at the Moment, many smaller outbreaks.” The high numbers have to do “especially with travel activities, travel returnees from certain regions”.

such A Test requirement would go considerably beyond the decision of the Minister of health of the Federation and the countries from Friday: they had decided, at German airports test to set up, in which travellers returning free-of-charge at his own request on the Virus test can read.

Spahn, noted that for mandatory Tests high legal hurdles existed: “Yes, This is an intervention in the freedom to commit someone to the Test,” he said. The courts looked at “very carefully that any interference is proportionate”.

Preferably, he wanted to rely more on reason and insight of citizens, said Spahn. Travellers should exercise “self-responsible, that travel per se is connected to the mobility risk”. “We will make it possible for everyone to travel returnees may be tested.” It was that “in case of doubt, a lot of testing as a little bit”.

First airports to start with free Tests

At the airports in Düsseldorf, Cologne/Bonn and Dortmund have meanwhile started on Saturday free Corona-Tests for returnees from high-risk areas. Since the Morning of the test it had opened centres at the airports in Düsseldorf and Dortmund, informed speakers at the two sites. These have been set up by the associations of sickness Fund doctors and the state government.