Falling leaves, old branches and plants that are not winter-proof cause a lot of work in the garden in autumn. These are the best tips for proper disposal.

For many gardeners, autumn means one thing above all: work and preparation for winter. Some plants need to be winterized now. In addition, in many places veritable towers of leaves and old branches are already forming. For the sake of the environment, however, waste should not be disposed of haphazardly.

How are packaging and empty plant pots disposed of?

Empty plastic plant pots, transport trays or sacks that contained the potting soil: They are destined for the yellow bin or yellow sack. This includes all lightweight packaging made of plastic, aluminum, polystyrene, composite materials or tinplate. Everything made of paper and cardboard, such as shipping boxes, should go in the waste paper bin.

What to do with cachepots and flower boxes?

Many a flower pot or flower box has been damaged over the past few months and needs to be sorted out? In principle, plastic pots and decorative pots are disposed of in the residual waste. This also applies to objects made of natural materials such as wood or clay. Smaller products such as floral wire or plant clips made of plastic and metal also end up in the residual waste bin.

If you have a lot of containers to dispose of, you can take the metal or plastic leftovers from the summer to the recycling center or to the bulky waste. It is important that the pots and boxes are emptied. The items are professionally recycled at the recycling center. Discarded tools such as rakes, wheelbarrows or shovels also belong in bulky waste or at the recycling center.

Where do leaves and biological waste go?

Fallen leaves are of course organic waste. Even smaller branches or fallen fruit end up in the bio bin – just like flowers and other plants that don’t overwinter. If you want, you can put some of the leaves on the compost.

Fertilizers and pesticides in hazardous waste?

The situation is different for fertilizers and pesticides. They must not be thrown in the household waste. If the plastic packaging for the chemical substances is completely empty, they go into the yellow bin or yellow bag. Caution: If there is still some residual liquid in the bottle or spray can, it must not be poured into the toilet or sink. Here it is important to give the packaging to the hazardous waste.