The intestinal flora is the mirror of health and important for the overall feeling of the human being. It is an important part of the immune system, as it prevents the spread of pathogens in the intestine. If the intestines are not treated properly, this can lead to abdominal pain, flatulence or digestive problems, among other things. Studies even suggest that the intestinal flora could be partly related to mental illnesses. If you want to keep the intestinal flora healthy, you should therefore avoid these foods.


Alcohol not only attacks the liver, but also the intestinal cells along the way. The liver converts alcohol into acetaldehyde and acetate, which can trigger a growth spurt in certain gut microbes in the gut, altering the gut flora.

How much alcohol is too much? While some scientists say an occasional 30-gram dose of alcohol (two beers or four shots of vodka) is fine, others warn that any drop of alcohol is too much. However, it should not go unmentioned that in a study, the daily consumption of a small bottle of beer can have a positive effect on the intestinal flora, also known as the microbiome in the intestine, in men. This is the result of a study by researchers from Portugal, published in the “Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry”.


For a healthy intestinal flora, you should avoid red or heavily processed meat, such as cured, smoked and sausage products as far as possible. When it comes to the best nutrition for a good intestinal flora, science agrees: the Mediterranean diet. And it’s mostly vegetarian and contains a lot of fiber.

In general, the recommendation is not to eat more than 500 grams of red meat per week. According to the German Cancer Aid, a large proportion of colon cancer cases could be avoided if less meat and sausages were eaten.


Another enemy of the gut is sugar, both regular table and fructose, consumed without fiber, as is the case with many sweets. In excess, sugar can cause an inflammatory response relatively quickly. Don’t worry: fruit has enough protective fiber, so the fructose here isn’t bad for the gut.

Ready meals and fast food

Industrially processed food is an absolute no-go for the intestines. Whether burgers, fries or frozen pizza – ready meals and fast food contain several unhealthy ingredients that can damage the intestines. Because they are usually full of sugar, salt, preservatives, fat and chemicals.


Not a food in the true sense, but antibiotics can also damage the intestinal flora. Anyone who has to take antibiotics as medication can take countermeasures at the same time: a probiotic can help to strengthen the lactic acid bacteria in the intestine.

(This article was first published on Monday, October 17, 2022.)