to read

Always nice, from the Exuberance of young love. “Bachelor’winner Clea-Lacy Juhn (29) and Sky presenter Riccardo Basile (28) have only 16 hours after their first Date, a love Tattoo”, the newspaper Bild. “Now, an R and a B emblazoned on his Hand. Clea to image ,It just fit incredibly well. And since we came on the crazy idea.‘“ Crazy, indeed, but his Tattoo seems to us to be a little crazier than your. Determined six, seven, namely, we have now spells the name of Clea-Lacy Juhn, but still no B in it can discover it, front or somewhere in the middle.

Jörg Thomann

editor in the Department “life,” the Frankfurt General Sunday newspaper.

F. A. Z. Twitter

Since we can’t imagine with the best will in the world, the newspaper of Fake News spreading, we ask ourselves now, what is the B on Riccardo’s Hand could stand for “Bachelor’winner”? For “Baby”? For his own last name, Basile the, admittedly, a little sound is full as Juhn?

by trained youth

the former weight lifter Matthias Steiner Had once the name of his present wife, Inge, tattooing, so you’d have to search now, possibly after the shrunken letters – from 150 kilos has worked for Steiner, now at 105 pounds down.

For Inge reason enough, in Gala proud to state: “I married Matthias almost twice. I used to have a burly man, today I have a tight, toned young man at my side.“ So considered, are likely to find many other women that they have married their husbands also have twice, only unfortunately in the reverse order. And some, depending on body growth, even three or four times.

a dramatic development in the life of a singer-and-white, The new leaf, which prints about Anita Hofmann the headline: “she said YES – and now a Baby.” Young women should be a warning: Once a careless word, attention, only, and you have the mess and need a change of diapers. Since you like to call with Hofmann’s colleague, Roland Kaiser and Maite Kelly: “Why didn’t you say no?”

film Mature engagement

you read, of course, the Text for the headline, one learns Surprising: Anita Hofmann has not a Baby, but could the car after the marriage proposal of her boyfriend, according to a New sheet “the next step”. Yes, Hofmann had said already “the last Christmas”, however, friend Christian wanted to make “a cinematic engagement,” says The new paper: “Therefore he surprised his dream wife with a trip to the flower island of Mainau in the Bodensee and a visit to the castle. He then went to his knees before her and pulled out a beautiful Ring made of platinum. The singer was completely overwhelmed.“ How overwhelmed, the photos, the Christian in the castle of Mainau on the knees, to illustrate, because The new leaf was not surprised by the thing, apparently not. Also of the subsequent small Celebration, we see photos in which only the respective parents were there, “to any unnecessary health risks”, and, of course, a picture Agency; as much of a risk then needs to be.

Speaking of which: The alleged new girlfriend of Boris Becker, the looks, according to Reports from the new million debt threatened, is the Echo of the woman according to “risk analyst with two degrees”. So she will know what she’s getting into.