It then seems now to be over with the pandemic. Distance rules have long been regarded as stuffy in the U-Bahn departs every third maskenlos, so that is not surprising, the title story of “Intouch”: “Kilo-shock Corona! The Lockdown has left its mark – on the scale! What the Stars are doing now…“ According to the Corona – that is unambiguous. So now we can turn to us to finally really important things, for example our Overweight. Jennifer Lopez weighs in, according to the razor-sharp “Intouch”-watching now “about two kilos more”, Lady Gaga and even “three pounds” more, and if these are the only traces left by the Virus, then we can live with that, actually quite good. We hope that there is no second wave, the approximately four to six pounds would be then at the end, a total of more.

Jörg Thomann

editor in the Department “life,” the Frankfurt General Sunday newspaper.

F. A. Z. Twitter

But there are also stories, the hopeful voices. “Their love began, when he had a Corona,” writes “Colorful” about the actress Claudelle Deckert and the business man Peter Olssen who is a health. “With eyes closed, Claudelle hugs Deckert, 46, in the arms of the Swedish Manager Peter Olsson, 58. He pulls you gently to himself, gives her a kiss on the temple. The photo Team of the “Colorful” seems to notice the Pair barely”, we read, but one from the photo Team has hemmed, and the Interview can begin. “We started at the right end of: meeting and cuddling, but about life and our ideas speak,” says Olsson, and especially young people should take to heart: The start always like to Meet and Cuddle.

full Rapper

Separated by a fried “Our skin feels well with each other”, tells us the solar system, while Olsson praises his Beloved: “Claudia is in real even more beautiful than on photos.” To confirm, we can’t do that, because we see them only on the “Colorful”photos. On the question of how your family have on your New responsive, responds Deckert: “Very positive. My mother met Peter, and immediately in love with him.“ Then we wish a lot of joy in this three-way relationship.

In Corona-times her husband separated, the Rapper Sido, has become Worthy of a TV presenter Charlotte. It but went in peace, assured them, “Colorful”: they are both “not a great champion”. Not a great champion? Poor Sido: this is for a Rapper is downright libelous remark is likely to be Worthy of his reputation damaged.

From your relationship live chats in the “Colorful” also actress Heike Trinker. “I once confessed to a former Partner, a fling, give,” she says. “He laughed and said that we were now even. My idea of the mutual openness had passed the practical test.“ I can see it, on the other hand, didn’t have to start with the openness, then, is actually he?