the use of heroin increases in the U.S.

The UN warns of the rise of the heroin in Europe

suicide is an exit increasingly common in the united States. Last year alone, took the lives of 47,000 people in the first world power, the highest figure of the last 50 years. Other to 70,000 individuals died due to drug overdose, many of them accidental, in the midst of the greatest crisis for heroin and opiates in the history of the country, two epidemics that have contributed to reduce the life expectancy in the U.S. for the third consecutive year.

according to the report of the Centers for Control Disease Prevention (CDC), a child born today in territory of the united states is expected to live an average of 78 years and seven months, two months less than in 2014. Then, the crisis for opiates were not as pronounced, one of the major factors that have contributed to the downward trend in the life expectancy after years of relative stability.

“These sobering statistics are a wake-up call that we are losing to many americans, very soon and very often, for conditions that are preventable,” said Robert Redfield, director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), in a press release. “Tragically, this worrying trend is largely due to the drug overdose deaths and suicide”.

West Virginia, Ohio and Pennsylvania were the states most affected by drug overdose, with a dramatic increase in the number of deaths related to opiate such as fentanyl or tramadol. The incidence of such cases has increased by 45 percent between 2016 and 2017.

A man smokes heroin. EM

in Addition, the study indicates that this trend affects so much more significant to men than to women. In males, the statistics have shot up from 8.2 per 100,000 inhabitants, as of 1999, at the 29,1 2017.

In total, the deceased in 2017 were 2.8 million, the highest figure since the federal government began to develop this kind of record, more than a century ago. That in a country of 325 million people, and that he had not experienced a decline similar in their life expectancy from the time of the First World War. The conflict, and a pandemic flu in 1918 claimed the lives of one million americans.

Today, the coronary problems are the leading cause of death in a country with a clear tendency to obesity. The good news is the historic decline of smoking in the united States. Only 14 percent of the population recognizes to maintain the habit. A semblance of hope.

According to the criteria of

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