hundreds of holidaymakers from Germany are supposed to have on the ball man, Mallorca Party, without caring about the currently applicable in Spain Corona-rules. On a on Saturday released a Video of the “Mallorca Zeitung” (MZ) is to see how the people celebrate on Friday evening on the famous “beer street” in the dense crowd, drinking and dancing “as if there’s no Corona”, so the “MZ”. Virtually no one is wearing a mask, although the Spanish government for the period of the “new normal” prescribed minimum distance of one and a half metres is to be maintained either on the road or in the Local.

The images shocked the island. The scenes showed, the “Mallorca Zeitung”, “how big is the risk of a second Corona could be shaft on Mallorca”. Many of the drunken guests had been flirting with strangers on their vacation and leisure, in larger groups, dancing and street vendors embraced. The few people that wore the mask, had been laughing at the part out, media reported.

Although after the end of the lock downs, some of the parties of larger groups of people in pubs and in Parks, the first Worry had triggered, had not seen such a large collection of holiday and drinking people on the Balearic Islands since the Opening of the borders for foreign tourists in the middle of June so far.

in view of the carelessness of some citizens in the observance of the Corona-protection rules, the regional government in Palma until Friday illegal parties had announced the fight. It is a penalty, it was decided to catalogue with fines of up to 600,000 euros; in addition, the enhanced controls have been announced. On Friday evening the police at the “ball man” but not look, so the “MZ”.

even Though Spain was one of the of the pandemic in the most affected countries have decreased since the middle of may strong. On the Balearic Islands on Friday according to official information, 134 Infected, 87 of them in Mallorca. In order to prevent Neuausbrüche, want to introduce the Balearic Islands is a very strict mask of duty. Starting Monday, people should have to wear mouth and nose protection, when the safety distance can be maintained.