Artificial intelligence in many of the fascination, but also fear. No wonder, to develop robots in movies like Terminator, RoboCop or Alien but to the chagrin of the people of their own will. Very different Pepper. As the French company Aldebaran Robotics, which was acquired in 2016 by the Japanese company Softbank Robotics up, began him to develop, not wanted to Stoke these Fears.

David Kampmann


F. A. Z.

“He should look nice,” says Vincent Samuel of the company, Softbank Robotics, in Paris, to serve the European market. “Because the people in front of robots, often still afraid.” Pepper should not generate this feeling. The company wanted to build a new humanoid robot that can help humans in everyday things. No one had had the sense to replace human labour by him. “He will not take over the work of the people, but only the very repetitive tasks,” says Samuel. In addition, he was the first humanoid robot that can read emotions.

2014 came Pepper in Japan and has since developed steadily. Pepper is 1.20 meters tall, has round black eyes and a Tablet on the chest. Through partner companies it will be distributed in the world, in Germany by the Entrance Robotics in Wuppertal, Germany. Here in Germany, it is used in more and more facilities, including hospitals, Hotels, hardware stores, and since 2019 in nursing homes.

One of them is the DRK centre for the elderly brother Konrad in Ebersburg-Weyhers, near Fulda, in Hesse, Germany. He’s there for since spring. Markus Otto, the district Association of Fulda, the German Red cross, head of the business area’s senior citizens, says he’s become by press reports to him. His assistant, Laura, a choice that has to do the most with Pepper to. She is fascinated by the humanoid robot and its capabilities. His Repertoire is admittedly limited. He gives only what he was programmed. He does not know a set, so he said nothing, told choice. She is therefore constantly in order for him to demand new rates can be programmed. In the spring she has programmed him to, for example, the question of whether he was Allergy-free. Pepper then responds: “Yes, I suffer from hay fever. In the spring, the Pollen is making me crazy.“