Next week, we are experiencing the first days of the German-speaking literature that are not held in Klagenfurt, but virtually. Now that the Frankfurt book fair will take place: Were you still doubt whether you can determine would have the Bachmann prize, maybe in Klagenfurt?

Jan Wiele

editor in the features section.

F. A. Z.

In such a crisis, you have to meet at a certain time a decision, such an event has enormous amount of planning in advance. Originally we thought it nothing goes. Then we thought about how we also with the help of the infrastructure of our 3sat-Partner in Germany and Switzerland but still a little on the legs.

the members of The jury will not sit in the round, but each one individually at home. This is very unusual, reminds one in more than forty years, brook man price, and some of the heated jury discussion in the plenary.

you know the dynamics of the price – we would have found it unfair, if, for example, three had been sitting in the Studio, the brillant come over, and then switches to the other only, which are quasi-two-dimensional. We now have a member of special cameras at each jury, which can be controlled remotely.

What will be different?

The readings, the authors will be recorded this year, the authors of the discussion turns on but via Skype, because Yes, for us, an important Element is that you can also set the jury verdict.