Two people, with masked faces, entered the Marguerite-de-Valois high school in Angoulême (Charente) on Thursday January 18. They “slightly injured” a teacher and a student before fleeing, Agence France-Presse learned from a police source.

The attack took place in the toilets during an inter-class session around 10 a.m. The student was “disturbed by tear gas dispersed by the intruders”, according to the prefecture, while a teacher intervened. In a video circulating on social networks, we see her receiving a blow before trying to catch up with one of the attackers.

Unknown motive

The students and staff of the establishment were confined for the duration of a resolution of doubt, which ended at 11:50 a.m. “All the children are well and will resume the course of their activities this afternoon,” reports the Charente police on

“Thanks to the intervention of law enforcement and emergency services, the situation was brought under control,” the new Minister of National Education, Amélie Oudéa-Castéra, said on X. She praised “the courage” of the “physical education and sports teacher of the establishment [who] intervened during the altercation”. “I thank the entire educational community which […] reacted in an exemplary manner and united,” she added, specifying that “classes will be able to resume tomorrow morning”.