A man shot dead his ex-wife, from whom he had been divorced since 2016, on Tuesday, February 20, in front of the Montpellier court, before committing suicide on the spot, the public prosecutor announced.

The man, aged 72, and his ex-wife, 66, “had an appointment before the family court judge for the purposes of liquidating their property interests following their divorce in 2016,” explained to the press Fabrice Bélargent, the Montpellier prosecutor.

“An intervention by the police is underway after shots were fired in front of the Montpellier judicial court. The final report shows two deaths. The event is over,” the Hérault prefecture initially announced on

“We are not at all dealing with terrorism”, but with a case concerning “a man and a woman who were separated”, a source close to the authorities told Agence France-Presse (AFP).

The man was not known to the police. “There were no ongoing proceedings regarding violence within the couple, there was no protection order either,” said prosecutor Fabrice Belargent.