Where can bank customers get good service, attractive conditions and competent advice? And where is the offer? ntv and the German Institute for Service Quality are once again looking for the “Bank of the Year”. Vote now!

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It doesn’t matter whether it’s a branch or direct bank – finding a bank that suits you perfectly and that you’re completely satisfied with is not that easy. That’s why ntv and the German Institute for Service Quality want to know how you rate your house bank again this year – regardless of nice advertising promises and chic branches or online sites.

A comprehensive range of services and products and, of course, an attractive price-performance ratio – which financial institutions meet the high expectations of their customers? Which banks, on the other hand, cause disappointments and annoyances? Where are the conditions and service right?

In addition to the conditions, the focus is on customer service. Where can you find competent and friendly advice, who reacts quickly and competently to customer inquiries? Which bank can also score online? Where is trouble? And how professionally do banks deal with complaints?

Vote together with other customers of direct and branch banks on which bank performs particularly well in the various segments, such as current accounts, overnight money, securities and lending business and deserves the title “Bank of the Year”.

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Participation in the survey is possible online until October 09, 2022. The questionnaire is aimed exclusively at private customers of direct and branch banks. Bank employees are excluded from participation.