The prospect of a refreshment in the Baltic sea during the summer, has lured on Saturday morning, many short-term vacationers on the highways and led to kilometre-long traffic jams. Already the lunch time, the police warned the spontaneous and “Laggards” in front of it, also the way to the coast to compete. “The traffic on the A 1 is catastrophic. Who is about to leave now, towards the Baltic sea, must know what he’s doing to,“ said a spokesman for the police.

in the meantime I jammed the traffic on up to 17 kilometers, but also on the remaining section of the route between Hamburg and Lübeck, was consistently expect slow traffic to. Also on the coast itself there was due to the high number of visitors to long waiting times: at 12 o’clock Bay, according to the police data, almost all of the Parking spaces were in the Bay of lübeck.

the beaches, such as, for example, in Timmendorf at the pier or in Scharbeutz, had been busy to this time. “The quota is not used up, that’s it,” said a police spokeswoman in the management service of Schleswig-Holstein. In addition to the call to forego a visit to the beach, warned the police also vacationers to be cautious. So leave on to the narrow beach promenades can be hardly controlled by the current Corona-provisions such as the minimum distance to be complied with.

Who was able to secure in the end a place at the beach promenade, relaxing on your own towel or sought refreshment in the approximately 18 degrees, cool Baltic sea.