This month it will be easier to taste Spanish wines and tapas in Washington. With events, lectures and exhibitions, the Eat Spain Up Initiative! It promotes the Iberian cuisine in the American capital, its fourth destination after having passed through Stockholm, Oslo and new York. Manuel Estrada, recognized with the National Design Award 2017 and one of the main contributors, considers the project an essential bet to promote a positive image of Spain abroad.
“From the outside, gastronomy is becoming an identity sign for Spain.” We should see as a niche of opportunity that (our gastronomy) is becoming a cultural factor, and learn from others, like the Italians, who have done very well, said Estrada last week in the opening of the initiative, in reference to the successful Marketing that makes your kitchen the European country in the United States. The designer participates in the event through the exhibition of his work in the halls of the former residence of the Spanish ambassador in Washington, seat of the cultural arm of the embassy and place where most of the meetings will be held.
“My own work has been crossed with gastronomy and I understand that, in fact, design and cooking play a similar role: creativity,” Estrada said, whose designs occupy the covers of well-known books such as The Hive, Camilo José Cela, or form the Logos of important food companies such as “Carmencita”, a leading entity in the market of spices and condiments.
The event, which began on September 21st and ends on October 29th, will consist of numerous sessions and debates on the influence of gastronomy on the cultural roots of Spain, as well as exhibitions and tastings of typical products. Eat Spain Up! He has also allied with prestigious Spanish restaurants in the city, as a hassle of Spanish chef José Andrés, to offer discounts and special menus.
“It’s the best way to share our country, our geography and our history.” We want to incorporate gastronomy into the cultural circuit, explained Gloria García Rodríguez, founder of Eat Spain Up!, a project that has the support of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Governments of Autonomous communities and various private entities.