If the Robert-Koch-Institute (RKI) currently publishes his daily Corona-the management report, can be found warning notes. For the first time since may, the RKI reported on Thursday more than 1000 Neuinfizierte within a day. “The daily numbers of new cases reported increased in the last two weeks already. This is a very worrying development, and is observed from RKI very carefully. A further aggravation of the Situation must be avoided at all costs“, it said on Thursday, in the RKI report.

Pure Burger

Political correspondent in North Rhine-Westphalia.

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a bit of a virologist Hendrik Streeck expressed, however, in an Interview with F. A. Z.: “it is more Important from my point of view, to be measured on the basis of the stationary occupancy and intensive care bed occupancy in hospitals, the infection happened,” he said.Currently, you have cases, no significant increase of heavy Corona in the intensive care units.Gernot Marx, Chairman of the working group intensive care medicine of the German society for anesthesia and intensive care medicine, expects, however, that the number of cases will increase to the ICU again.

“New Phase, when it gets colder again”

in Germany, there is currently a small outbreak happened, about to celebrate in the family or circle of friends, at religious events and in institutions for asylum seekers or care homes. In the Bavarian district Dingolfing-Landau, there were two outbreaks among Harvest workers in a canning factory. The County pointed to the RKI data from Thursday morgenmit around 232Infizierten per 100,000 inhabitants, is currently the highest Seven-day incidence of.

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the view to the country level is a cause for concern. According to the RKI, the Seven-day incidence of is in Berlin, Hesse and Hamburg easily and in North Rhine-Westphalia is currently “significantly above the national average”. So far, North Rhine-came-Westphalia comparatively well by the pandemic. Although in Bavaria and fewer people live in NRW, there have been since the beginning of the pandemic in the state so far, more Infected (51.582 compared to 50.493 to NRW). However, currently the infection is done in the Rhine and Ruhr significantly more dynamic than in Bavaria. It was there in the past seven days, 788 new infections were in North Rhine-Westphalia, 2127.

Edmund Heller, Secretary of state, in the North Rhine-Westphalian Ministry of health and the F. A. Z. says: “We are vigilant, alarmed, but the alarm is not displayed.” Absolutely the Infection were considered not comparable with the pandemic Situation in March or April. “There is still a certain summer break, but you have to expect that the infection will happen has reached a new Phase, when it is colder.” As in the past, health watch, and the Ministry will be evaluated with the help of the health offices of the districts and circle-free cities and the country centre, the situation is intense, says Heller. An explanation as to why the Seven-day incidence in NRW sun now well above the national average, have one but can’t find it yet.

One of the Central questions is whether the increase in the number of new infections in a circle or in a city let clear a breakout, on a Super-Spreader event, or whether it was a diffuse Happen. A diffuse, subcutaneous Happen to be worrying as a largely unique to the outbreak to happen, says the North Rhine-Westphalian health Secretary of state. “In the case of large, as done in the large slaughterhouse in the district of Gütersloh or in a logistics warehouse in the district of Heinsberg, has managed so far to get the situation under control, because it is clear where to start.”