While the sustainability of the body is in question following the resignation of its new president, former members of the first independent Commission on incest and sexual violence against children (Ciivise) are asking to continue the work which they put together on Wednesday February 14th.

In a letter addressed to the new minister responsible for children, Sarah El Haïry, thirteen members of Ciivise 1, including the feminist Ernestine Ronai and the psychiatrist Muriel Salmona, say they wish to “participate in the implementation” of the 82 recommendations that she had formulated, “training and continuing to listen to victims’ testimonies”.

“Who better than the Ciivise 1 team, made up of victims and recognized professionals, can continue this work, which must not remain a dead letter? », They write, recommending that the children’s judge Edouard Durand, who had been the first president of the body but was removed from Ciivise 2, return to its head.

According to them, the “doctrine” of Ciivise 1 must continue to inspire it: “Sexual violence constitutes an absolute medical emergency. » We must “put an end to the impunity of the aggressors” and “believe” and “protect the victims”.

Ciivise 2 “betrayed the victims”, say associations

Furthermore, in an open letter addressed to Emmanuel Macron, four presidents of incest victims’ associations believe on Wednesday that the new Ciivise has “betrayed the victims”. They “stand at the disposal” of Emmanuel Macron “to find a positive outcome” to the crisis.

Arnaud Gallais (Mouv’Enfants), Eva Thomas (SOS Inceste), Laurent Boyet (Les Papillons), Nathalie Moreau (Arevi) “deplore” the “public support” provided by the resigning president, Sébastien Boueilh, to his vice-president, Caroline Rey-Salmon, subject of a complaint for sexual assault during a gynecological examination of an incest victim. “In a flash, what the Ciivise had built, allowing the 30,000 survivors to confide in us, was reduced to nothing,” is written in this letter also signed by Angélique Mouly, president of the reception system for victims of the Doctors Bru Association.

They call on President Emmanuel Macron to “live up to” “what he himself initiated in 2021”, when he launched Ciivise, following the publication of Camille Kouchner’s book La Familia grande , who denounces the incest committed on his brother by the political scientist Olivier Duhamel.

Ciivise 2, established at the end of 2023 by the government with a new pair at its head, “is a sham, a shame, a waste,” declared the president of Mouv’Enfants, Arnaud Gallais, to Agence France-Presse.

The commission resumed its work at the beginning of February with the new pair at its head, after the criticized ousting of Edouard Durand. Its missions have been broadened, in particular to the fight against cybercrime and the prostitution of minors.

At the head of Ciivise 2, Sébastien Boueilh announced on February 9 that he was leaving his post due to “controversies which do not allow the serenity necessary to carry out his missions”.