investigations against Pädokriminelle tend to run in waves. Because they are pathological, hunters and collectors, the photo and film recordings via platforms and the Internet to share chats. There you can also arrange to meet in the real world, each other, their victims to feed. It is managed by the investigators to decrypt a Suspect’s seized mobile phones, computer hard drives or USB Sticks, does it go in the snow ball system quickly, as in the case of the in may by investigators from Münster uncovered a nationwide active Pädokriminellen network.

Pure Burger

Political correspondent in North Rhine-Westphalia.

F. A. Z. Twitter

Here has increased the number of Suspects from eleven to 18; seven of them are sitting in prison. Also succeeded in the meantime to 76 police officers increased investigation Commission “Rose” in addition to the already known three Victims by two Indicators, and the evaluation of seized video and photo files to identify a further three boys who were tortured by members of the network, and raped.

The investigators expect to make both of the other perpetrators as well as victims, as in the case of 400 terabytes of data were seized. “The mountains are no data, the are mountains of data, the equivalent of a written record of 2.6 billion A4 pages,” said the North Rhine-Westphalian Minister of the interior, Herbert Reul (CDU) on Wednesday during a under the direction of the country tags. The case of Münster, shows once again, how shockingly dynamic the Pädokriminellen Milieu in the age of digitalization has been further developed.

Adrian V. was a self-employed computer-entrepreneurs

As the main perpetrators of the 27-year-old Adrian V. from Münster, who had already been twice convicted of possession of child pornographic writings to two years imprisonment with a probation period applies. To him, it is now a series of new information. On the basis of the previously analysed files, the public Prosecutor’s office Münster accuses him of in the core currently, 15 cases of severe abuse. The victim is to be his ten-year-old stepson have been to the Adrian V. in accordance with previous findings, in addition to Pädokriminelle from Brandenburg and Hanover, against payment, more gave. From a deleted, but reconstructed record shows V. with three other men, are tormented by the end of April, his step-son and a second child for hours on end and raped her. The scene was a gazebo and a Carina V., the parent of V., leased a garden. You should have known to Do her son’s and is therefore one of the accused sit in detention.