It only takes three clicks on the Touchscreen, and the camera drone of Silas Heineken lights up and is ready to start. With a quiet whir it rises vertically from the Meadow in the misty gray sky. It’s eight o’clock in the morning, in the Brandenburg-Grünheide. In front of the thirteen-year-old the site for the planned Tesla factory covers. You can see the truck and excavator driving back and forth, but the terrain is so large that it can not capture from this height completely.

from the top Of the is different. Heineken controls his drone over the Area immediately adjacent to the highway 10. His gaze is focused focused on the screen of his controller. He sees in real time, which is filming the drone. The land on which the factory is to be built, stretches over 300 acres – Silas Heineken can see now quite. Direction and height of the drone he controlled with two Joysticks. His Mission: to document the construction progress for his Youtube fan base. Under the Pseudonym “TeslaKid green Heath,” published twice a week, lavishly produced Videos of its drone flights, with instrumental music – in the order of Tesla CEO Elon Musk personally.

As Silas Heineken dropped in February for the first Time his drone to ascend, he little thought to have overflight rights. In the short video he filmed regularly, what we did on the site. More and more Tesla Fans from all over the world were excited. However, after a month, he had to announce bad news. The security guards of the factory, the activities of the three ten year olds were pushed open sour. They alarmed the police for trespassing. Without the official approval of Tesla, he’s not allowed to fly over the terrain of the construction site, they told him. “I had two options,” said Heineken, “either is now, or do I do that in public.” He decided he wanted to Publish, and told it his 12,000 Fans on Youtube, what had happened, and asked for help. To organise a permit from Tesla, this should be possible.

The American company did not have to ask twice. The Youtube channel “Now You Know”, the often reported about Tesla themes, to handle Heineken case. On 7. April invited the presenters, Zac and Jesse Cataldo, a Video in which you spoke directly to Elon Musk’s appeal: “Let the kid fly.” The platform “Third Row Podcast,” published the Clip on Twitter and stylized Heineken encounter with the police nor to a near-arrest, to make Elon Musks attention. Only a little later, a response from Tesla CEO personally: “Fine by me actually came”, he tweeted: fits for me. Silas Heineken still vividly remembers this Moment. It was late at night, as his mobile phone thanks to numerous news period rang. “Then when I saw Musks Tweet, I was mega excited and really happy.”

“For a thirteen-year-old a dream”

Since then, makes Silas the Heineken again and again, his drone upgrades, and films, such as excavators, cranes and trucks moving on site. On his Controller, it looks like a toy landscape with lots of small figures. He knows exactly what it the camera of the drone from 50 meters height shows. “In the area here,” he says, pointing to a large part of the construction site, “were in action last week in the hill.” Now he is leveled. The construction did not advance so fast, that he did not know and sometimes even like the go actually.

The Californian company presents a high pace. Tesla wants to build in green Heath, from next year, to 500,000 cars a year. More than 12,000 jobs are to be created in the structurally weak Region. The construction activities are, however, at your own risk, because Tesla has for the time being, just get an early approval, the final is still to come. Against the original planning application, citizens ‘ initiatives submitted a total of 370 objections, among other things, due to environmental concerns. The high water consumption of the factory is a concern. According to figures from the Brandenburg Ministry of the environment, Tesla filed on Wednesday of last week a revised application that reduced water consumption was reported. According to the Minister of the economy Jörg Steinbach (SPD) increases the ability to obtain Approval of the project. The shell could stand in September.