
It may sound a little weird, but strawberries can actually help the teeth bleaching. You just have to apply a strawberry crush, and the Mus on the teeth. Two minutes and finished the teeth cleaning.


With a tablespoon of olive or sunflower oil once a day rinse the mouth. It is important to draw the Oil through the teeth and to chew. The Oil that is white by this operation, then simply spit it out.

Green Apples

Who bites after a Cup of coffee, tea or a glass of red wine in a sour Apple, which prevents discoloration. Green Apples have a bleaching effect on the teeth.


salt has everyone in the household, it is advantageous to. You put salt on a wet toothbrush and brushing his teeth carefully. Then for a good 30 minutes to acid-containing food refuse, in order that the tooth enamel can calm down. This operation only once per week to exercise.

For what we actually need salt?

The soup without salt? Hard to imagine! The pinch of salt makes the taste. However, sodium chloride, the technical term for table salt, it can still be more than our courts the wort. Salt is also used in medicine, for example, as additives in infusions, baths or saline inhalations


lemon juice

To read more, a tablespoon of lemon juice in a bowl, and you mix a packet of baking powder. The mass, then for two minutes on the teeth to apply. It is important, 30 minutes after not brushing your teeth. It is acid, should not penetrate deep into the tooth enamel. Also, make sure that you use this method too often.

9 reasons why lemon water healthy

It stimulates the digestion, has detoxifying effect and strengthens the immune system: those Who drink lemon water, do something Good health! What are the effects of the miracle water has else.

banana peel

Who eats a banana, can use after the peel for a natural teeth whitening. This rubbing with the inside of the teeth. The banana peel contains minerals such as Magnesium and potassium, which can whiten teeth.

full-grain is healthy for the teeth and gums

How harmful starchy foods for the teeth, seems to depend also on how strong they are. It would be better according to a new survey, to give whole grain products in preference to white bread, cakes or biscuits.

These foods are bad for the teeth

That sweets and chocolate cause tooth decay, know each child. But even healthy foods can damage our pearly whites.

The largest dental care myths

milk teeth do not need to be thoroughly cleaned, teeth brushing after eating is important, tea does not harm the teeth. Is it really so? We clean up with these stubborn myths about our pearly whites.

Practical home remedies for tooth pain

For most people, mean a toothache is pure Horror, because you have to fight with pulsating pain, obvious swelling of the cheeks or problems Opening the mouth. The following home remedies can relieve and in some cases, the pain. If the tooth pain still persists, it’s highly advised to care for your smile with the Dentist in Thousand oaks.