The Standing Vaccination Commission (Stiko) is currently preparing an update of its recommendations also with regard to corona booster vaccinations. An adjustment taking into account new scientific findings and the current corona situation should be made “promptly”, writes Stiko in a statement published on Monday.

So far, the committee has recommended a so-called booster vaccination for people with immunodeficiency, people aged 70 and over, residents of nursing facilities, as well as staff in medical facilities and nursing staff, among others. For immunological and infection epidemiological reasons, it makes sense to offer everyone else a booster vaccination in the medium term, the statement said. This should be done “as far as possible after descending age”.

In the past few days there had been a discussion about which population groups should now go to the “booster”. On Friday, the federal and state governments had agreed to allow booster shots for everyone. They are provided no earlier than six months after complete vaccination. Stiko speaks of “current inconsistent public statements about the target groups for booster vaccinations, which have led to uncertainty in the medical profession and the population”.

Even if booster vaccinations can contribute to a noticeable reduction in the spread of the virus in the population at a younger age, after reaching high vaccination rates, this should not lead to a delay in people over 70 years of age, as well as in immunocompromised people, writes the Stiko. Breakthrough infections led to serious illnesses in older people more often than in younger people, which made intensive medical treatment necessary.