The world health organization (WHO) expects that the Covid-19-will be pandemic of “protracted duration” and a “public health emergency will remain of international importance”. The emergency Committee of the WHO, said on Saturday. “The pandemic is a century-health crisis, whose effects will be felt in the coming decades,” said the WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus on Friday. “A lot of countries that have believed they would have survived the worst, now fight with new outbreaks.”

In the United States, died on Saturday on the fifth day in a row, more than a thousand people to an infection with the Coronavirus. Alone, in the state of California have infected more than half a Million people with Covid-19. The state of Texas filed on Saturday 9539 infections. The total number of coronavirus infections in the Federal state thus rose to 430.485 confirmed cases. In Florida, the pandemic and the precautions to be disturbed by the approaching tropical storm “Isaias”, the number of the dead something.

In the UK, is considering the Prime Minister Boris Johnson, the greater London area cordoned off to avoid a second national Lockdown. If the infection rates continue to rise, could also be the quarantine rules for Passengers increased, as has the “Sunday Telegraph” reported.

hospitals in NRW, prepare for second wave

Also in Germany, the RKI has reported in the past few days, high reinfection stands from the local health authorities in Germany. The NRW health Minister Karl-Josef Laumann (CDU), warned: “The Coronavirus is still there. We must continue to be vigilant.“ The President of the hospital Association NRW, Jochen Brink, told the German press Agency that the hospitals in North Rhine-be-Westphalia prepared to have to re-more and more Corona-treat patients. “First signs pointed to the fact that the current Trend could develop into a second wave.

Here you will read how many new infections are currently confirmed.

In the Ruhr area, where the Robert Koch Institute (RKI), the strong increase have reported, had, in the meantime, many hospitals visit bans to Express and predictable operations will have to move. “Basically, the North Rhine-prepared-Westphalian hospitals a better than even before and during the first peak phase of the pandemic,” said Brink. Intensive-care medical capacity had been expanded and “at”. There is enough protective equipment for the clinic staff have also, on more practical experience for the Corona treatment.

The RKI had exhorted the citizens in the past week, strongly in the case of the hygiene measures not to let up. In many States an increase in the number of new infection had been since the week before last to watch rates – but particularly in North Rhine-Westphalia and in Bavaria.