Two financial magistrates signed, Thursday, August 25, the referral to the Paris Criminal Court of Nicolas Sarkozy and twelve people in the case of the Libyan financing of his 2007 presidential campaign, said the national financial prosecutor, Jean-François Bohnert .

Already judged in the so-called “wiretapping” file and in the Bygmalion case, the former President of the Republic should appear for four months in early 2025 for “passive corruption, criminal association, illegal financing of electoral campaigns and concealment of embezzlement of Libyan public funds”.

He is suspected of having received money from Muammar Gaddafi’s regime to fund his successful campaign. Nicolas Sarkozy has always pleaded the thesis of “conspiracy” in this case for which he was indicted in March 2018 in particular for illicit financing of the electoral campaign and passive corruption and in October 2020 for criminal association.

Among the other people referred to the criminal court are the former secretary general of the Elysée and interior minister Claude Guéant, the former interior minister Brice Hortefeux as well as the former budget minister Eric Woerth.

More information to come