The prices for bread rolls have risen sharply recently. Or the baker just closed up. If you still have an appetite for the baked goods and don’t want to leave the door or want to save money, you can use pre-baked goods. Öko-Test is quite taken with the quality.

The high energy prices are also reflected in the sharp rise in the price of bread rolls. Apart from that, going to the bakery in the morning is not for everyone. If you still feel like having rolls, you can start the day with pre-baked goods.

Öko-Test put 19 products from supermarkets and discounters in the oven. The testers paid between 0.18 and 0.75 euros for 100 grams of rolls. At the current electricity prices, around 0.15 euros are added for baking. Which means that the cheapest product in the test is available for a total of 0.14 euros. The most expensive, albeit somewhat heavier, organic roll costs 0.71 euros.

Apart from the fact that the preparation is very simple – bag open, oven on, rolls in – the products are quite convincing. Frozen rolls in the freezer stay fresh for up to twelve months. Unchilled rolls for baking, on the other hand, often only keep for a few days to a maximum of ten weeks. More than three quarters of the baked goods were rated “good” or “very good”. Simple wheat rolls were examined, as well as crust and stone-oven rolls.

The test losers with “sufficient” are the “Lieken Urkorn Back Mich 5 stone oven rolls wheat”, which Öko-Test does not really want to taste. The only frozen rolls in the test are also disappointing. The “Gold Pieces from Coppenrath

Has had a negative impact in the rolls from Lieken, Coppenrath

Which brings us to the test winners. The “Edeka organic crust rolls” for 0.53 euros and the “Grafschafter Bio Organic 4 stone oven rolls, Bioland” (0.55 euros) were rated “very good”. Significantly cheaper, but still with the best rating, were the “Goldohren Sunday wheat rolls” from Aldi Süd (0.21 euros), the “Goldblume 6 rolls” from Norma (0.18 euros) or the “K-Classic wheat rolls” from Kaufland (0.22 euros).