The Corona pandemic has brought with it the responsible of the Basilica of Birnau on lake Constance on an unusual idea: The Baroque pilgrimage Church in Uhldingen-Mühlhofen offers its visitors an almost contact-free Holy water dispenser. “A God service, a visitor came to the view of the disinfectant dispenser on the idea and we implemented this,” said a spokeswoman for the Basilica on Wednesday.

The device was functioning exactly as the original disinfection dispenser: The Holy water come out when you press with the elbow on the bow. The Holy water basin were not due to the risk of Infection in the Corona-crisis use.

“That will remain”

in the Meantime there were to buy such a Holy water dispenser, but also, said the spokesperson. The company Foottec manufactures, for example, in the Bavarian upper Palatinate to the donor. You upgraded one of your products: – contact mustard – and Ketchup-dispenser for takeaways. According to a company spokesperson, around 25 churches in Germany now have a Holy water dispenser. A copy had also been to Sweden to be delivered.

The donor is soon to be presented to the German bishops ‘ conference. Foottec-founder Tobias storm is sure that the touch has a future, lots of donors, even after Corona. “That will remain. Especially in the Christmas season all in a Huff, and long pools, then in the Holy water clean,“ he said.