On the streets of Germany grows the number of speeders and racers. Since then, the Federal government has made the lawn 2017 for the offence, have increased the numbers of cases in many länder, in some cases dramatically, such as a survey among the 16 Federal States of Germany shows. Accordingly, the police was one of nine provinces in the year 2019, approximately 1900 cases, about 700 more than the previous year. Including single speeders were travelling at top speed, and escape before the police in car chases in addition to illegal racing. At the top in 2019, North Rhine-Westphalia, not with 659 cases – what is, however, more amazed, since NRW has 18 million inhabitants, the population and car richest province.

it is striking, however, is Berlin, with its 3.8 million inhabitants in 2019, with 390 cases, in second place, ahead of Bayern (294) and Baden-Württemberg (252). The phenomenon of turf has many facets: there used to be organized illegal races, often long-term, planned, often with international participants. “This type of illegal car racing is no longer detected for a number of years,” says a spokesman for the Bavarian interior Ministry in Munich. Often short-term race, or spontaneous, however, are meet. “It can also be a single, the driving, so to speak, against the stopwatch,” says the spokesman.

In Saxony-Anhalt, it was 2019, in the large majority of the 53 racers of cases to escape from the police. Politics and police in areas with active racer scene are concerned, as road safety experts. “Accidents with racers, often fatal, and they are often the result of indifference to the safety of others,” says road safety researcher Jörg Kubitzki of the Allianz center for technology in Ismaning on the outskirts of the Bavarian capital.

“The majority of motorists behaving sensibly”

Kubitzki, the racer phenomenon sees as the extreme expression of a General increasing recklessness in traffic: “The majority of motorists will behave reasonably, nevertheless, you have to complain of a growing number of people in a deterioration of the traffic of morality, expressed through a whole range of other hazards in the road.” Kubitzki concrete examples: “The Use of the emergency lane, the use of the turn-off strip to the straight-ahead driving or assault-related offences for the purpose of the faster forwards coming in.” And if such a failure pile behavior, the assessment of the person skilled in the art that the police has more to do and the work of prevention for road safety elsewhere suffers.