The Göttingen regional court has sentenced a 53-year-old man for two counts of murder and serious injury to life imprisonment and the Severity of the debt to him found. The 53-year-old Frank N. was doused in September, his former partner in göttingen’s Grone district on the open road, out of jealousy with an accelerant and set on fire. As the 44-year-old woman ran away, pursued by the trained carpenter and stabbed 25 knife a stitches on you. The woman died at the scene.

Reinhard s

Political correspondent for lower Saxony, Saxony-Anhalt and Bremen, with its headquarters in Hannover.

F. A. Z. Twitter

In the attempt to prevent the murder, were four other persons also by knife wounds. A 57-year-old work colleague of the murder victim died in hospital later from her wounds.

After the fact, Frank N., to escape from Grone and to avoid over 32 hours of access to the police, he used to stand during his flight on the phone several times in contact. In a regional train, Frank N. was recognized, and in a compartment locked up, but he hit a slice and escaped. According to a note he was eventually arrested by two officers in front of a göttingen Döner-Imbiss.

In the course of the process, Frank N., had already been convicted three times for rape, had confessed to the crime. The prosecution had asked for, in addition to the life sentence, also “preventive detention” for Frank N. arrange. To this request, the district court did not in its judgment Friday, however.