The actress Concha Velasco, protagonist of the contemporary history of Spain, died this Saturday at the age of 84 after “a complication in her illness” at the Puerta de Hierro Hospital in Majadahonda (Madrid). The health of one of the most beloved and respected performers in our country worsened drastically in the summer of 2021, which led her to permanently retire from the stage with one last performance at the Teatro Bretón de los Herreros in La Rioja on September 15. of that year. In March 2022, her sons Manuel and Paco Martínez decided to move her to a residence, before she was admitted to the hospital in December for digestive, liver and arthritis problems and difficulties in administering medication.

Manuel Velasco, the eldest of Concha Velasco’s two children, wanted to thank at the doors of the burning chapel installed in the La Latina Theater for the expressions of affection received “from so many Spaniards who love and admire her”, and highlighted the “lucky” they have been to have “enjoyed the best mother in the world.”

Through tears, she said that her mother has died surrounded by her children. “With one hand holding me and the other holding Paquito,” he explained, grateful for having been able to celebrate her 84th birthday with her this week.

Manuel has acknowledged that his mother “was very weak, but she held on.” “On Wednesday she was phenomenal, she was very well, and yesterday, Friday, she got very sick,” he indicated.

When asked how he would like his mother to be remembered, Manuel responded: “With all the love they have for her, that they have for all of us. Above all, she was a fantastic person, she was an exceptional human being,” he stressed.

With a broken voice, Concha Velasco’s eldest son has thanked the expressions of affection on social networks and in public appearances from personalities from all areas of culture, politics and society in general. “We thank you for all the love you have for the whole family, we thank you from the bottom of our hearts,” he has repeated on several occasions.

Because there have been many personalities from the world of cinema and politics who have wanted to pay tribute to the eternal ye-ye girl and show their support for her family and colleagues on social networks.

The kings of Spain, Don Felipe and Doña Letizia, have sent a telegram to the family of the deceased artist. “After hearing the sad news of Concha’s death, we want to send you our sincere and deep condolences. With Concha leaves the actress, singer and dancer who has always been with us, who covered the recent history of Spain with her smile. Cinema, theater and television in our country showed him their respect on many occasions. And he received the recognition of his colleagues with the Goya of honor in 2013, along with the affection and admiration of the public.” We remember her with all affection and we send you a big hug,” the message read.

One of the first to say goodbye was the president of the Community of Madrid, Isabel Díaz Ayuso, who shared a photo of the two holding hands through her X account. “We Spaniards lose a great actress, singer, presenter… a great person very loved and admired by everyone: Concha Velasco. Sick in her last years, she always kept her genius and humor intact,” the politician shared.

The second vice president and leader of Sumar, Yolanda Díaz, has also dedicated some moving words to the artist: “She leaves us a very important part of the history of our cinema, our television and, ultimately, our lives. Concha Velasco “, a brilliant woman, who always made our country better. A huge hug to her loved ones and colleagues.”

The Film Academy, which awarded Velasco with the Goya of Honor in 2013, wanted to remember some of his best works in the world of acting, among them The Girls of the Red Cross, Torment or Beyond the Garden, for the who won the statuette.

From his homeland, Jesús Julio Carnero, mayor of Valladolid, has shared a warm goodbye to the actress: “Our beloved Concha Velasco has left us. Vallisoletana and universal artist. RIP.”

For his part, Alberto Núñez Feijóo has said goodbye to “an artist with capital letters who dedicated her life to cinema, theater and television.” The popular president wanted to express his “affection for his children, his family and the world of entertainment, which today loses one of its references.”

The President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, has conveyed his condolences, remembering Velasco as “the history of Spain”.

“Great among the greats. One of the most charismatic Spanish artists. With her death a myth of Spanish culture goes,” said the general secretary of the PSOE.

The first vice president and Minister of Economy, Nadia Calviño, has lamented the loss of “Gran Concha Velasco”, whose figure she has praised as a “magnificent film, theater and television artist.”

Actress Angela Cremonte, with whom she shared the screen in The Cable Girls, has praised Velasco as “unclassifiable.” “There was no one with more energy. Nor more character. Nor more flirtatious. Thank you, Concha. Happy trip,” the Madrid native has published on Instagram along with a carousel of photos from the filming of the Netflix series.

The mayor of Madrid, José Luis Martínez-Almeida, lamented this Saturday the “irreparable loss” of the “exceptional” actress and assured that the City Council will pay her “the tribute she deserves.” “Allow me to convey my condolences to the entire family and loved ones of Concha Velasco, who will always remain in our memory,” he said this Saturday in statements to the media.

“From the City Council, we are going to organize the tribute she deserves for everything she has done, for all the good times she has given us, for being an extraordinary and exceptional artist,” the mayor concluded.

For his part, the president of Andalusia, Juanma Moreno, has highlighted the “deep mark” left by Velasco “in theater and television.” “We will always remember her, with affection, as one of the great performers of our country,” said the regional leader in X.

“With Concha Velasco we lose a myth of song, cinema and theater in our country,” lamented the Minister of Culture, Ernest Urtasun. “She managed to be a true star without giving up simplicity, audacity, talent and the immense affection of the public. Today our goodbye will be the first step to always remember her.”

Jorge Javier Vázquez has lamented on his social networks the death of his great friend whom he recently visited. “That star you see in the distance is you. Concha. La Velasco. Ours forever,” the Mediaset presenter wrote.

The singer Alejandro Sanz also wanted to honor the memory of Concha Velasco with a message through the social network beautiful and strong heart.”

The Catalan actress Adriana Torrebejano wanted to say goodbye with some emotional words to her former partner and friend, with whom she worked on Mañana y siempre, a short film directed by Manuel Martínez Velasco, the interpreter’s son.

“The other day we had a snack together and without knowing it, when I said goodbye with a kiss and told you that I loved you, I didn’t know it was going to be the last time,” wrote Torrebejano. “Every time your son Manu or I made you laugh the other afternoon will be a gift that I carry in my heart forever. You are and will be infinite, great and feisty Concha.”

Real Madrid has mourned the death of “one of the most relevant artists in our country and a member of the club for 30 years.” In a statement, the white team has highlighted how the actress “always showed her pride in being a Real Madrid fan.”

The film director and actor Santiago Segura has also used his social networks to say goodbye to Concha Velasco.

The actor Pedro Mari Sánchez has also said goodbye to Concha Velasco, remembering some of his work with her: “My Concha, my Carmen Carmen, friend, companion. How much you have taught us. I will always love you.” “Your Donaire Job. Your Pedro Mari.”

“The curtain falls for the great Concha Velasco. We rise to give her an excited applause, the ovation for a lifetime of love for her profession,” were the words used by actor Antonio Banderas to say goodbye to Concha Velasco.

“I love you, thank you for everything, Concha.” This is the message Ana Belén has left on her social networks after the death of Concha Velasco. Both have worked together on several occasions and have maintained a great friendship until the end. Ana Belén was one of the people who visited Concha Velasco in the residence where she lived.

Today, on a day full of tributes and memories, Telemadrid will join them by broadcasting tonight the documentary Concha, the total artist, made by Unidad Editorial’s production company, PLAYTheUNIT, in co-production with Amazon Prime Video, and which reviews the life of one of the most beloved actresses in Spanish cinema and reveals secrets and most unknown anecdotes about the woman from Valladolid.