Reddit: Users collect the funniest and most creative insults: "One of us is smarter than you!"

The rules of civilized interaction require that one sometimes bites one’s tongue in conversation instead of venting one’s anger. Sometimes it’s smarter (and nicer) not to tell a person to their face what you think of them. But every now and then you just want to get rid of a little tip – be it completely first-meant or just for fun with friends.

For such purposes, it’s good to have an intelligent “insult” ready that the other person doesn’t immediately recognize as such – yes, maybe even feels flattered by it at first. Or just a saying that goes beyond primitive, vulgar swear words, for which we do not want to give an example here. That’s why a user on Reddit asked the community what creative and funny insults they know.

And in fact, a lot of answers came together that you should remember in order to be able to react quickly at the right moment. The community liked the following suggestion best: “If you lend a hand, it’s like two letting go.” You have to think about it for a moment, but then it works.

If it’s more about a lack of intelligence than physical strength, this saying comes in handy: “One of us is smarter than you.” And for musclemen who lack brain power, the following fits: “1000 volts in the arms, but no lights on in the brain.”

In any case, it is always a good idea to subtly package the other person’s weaknesses. “You’re not ugly, it’s just that light doesn’t suit you” would be an example, or a sentence that is sometimes also found on mugs and postcards: “You’re not stupid, you just have bad luck when thinking.” It can happen to anyone.

At work (it’s been said, especially in craft shops) some people particularly like to use spells to show their annoyance. “I think I have tinnitus in my eyes, I only see whistling,” many a manager has slipped out.

Or: “The way you work, I would like to go on vacation.” And one user reports that his boss once fired an employee with the following sentence: “I hereby promote you to customer.”

It gets funny again when children, in all seriousness, resort to insults that are not entirely successful. Someone recounted how, as a child, a little boy insulted him as “the son of a cake”: “The funny thing was his aggressive look and the pure conviction that he was saying something really bad.”

It’s good if the insults are only used as teasing, which makes everyone smile: because one person has a nice, black sense of humor and the other can laugh at himself.

What: Reddit

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