Host Sébastien Cauet has been in police custody since Wednesday as part of the investigation targeting him for sexual assault and rape, accusations that he contests, we learned on Thursday, May 23, from a source close to the case. .

According to his lawyers, Sébastien Cauet “went freely, and at his request, to the investigation services to be able to answer, point by point, all the questions asked”. The Paris prosecutor’s office did not wish to confirm or deny the information.

“Sébastien Cauet calls for restraint and recalls the principle of presumption of innocence,” added his lawyers, Xavier Autain and Simon Clémenceau, in a press release. They emphasize that “an investigation is also underway with the Nanterre public prosecutor’s office for the facts that [the host] denounces of cyberharassment, slanderous denunciation and attempted extortion of funds”.

“He regrets” that this investigation “was not the subject of diligent treatment by the Nanterre public prosecutor’s office which would have made it possible to put an end to offenses that were still in progress,” they continued.

Removal of the NRJ antenna

Sébastien Cauet, 52, is accused of rape and sexual assault by at least three women. Two of the complaints were initially handled by the Bourg-en-Bresse public prosecutor’s office. The investigation was entrusted to the juvenile brigade of the Paris judicial police, one of the complainants being a minor at the time of the events.

At the end of November, NRJ radio announced “the temporary withdrawal” of the antenna of its star presenter, a decision taken, according to it, “by mutual agreement” with the host after the first complaint of rape against him.

The host has presented the weekday show “C’Cauet” since 2010 (with an interruption in 2017-2018). At the beginning of May, the Paris commercial court dismissed his claims for compensation and ruled in favor of NRJ.