a she-bear, JJ4, called Gaia, is saved. For the time being. The administrative Tribunal of the Northern Italian province of Trentino has issued the launch command, the provincial President Maurizio Fugatti at the end of June, as a disproportionate means, and first up to 30. July, exposed. Then there will be a further hearing before the court of Trento. And then the dispute about the fate of the currently most famous wild animal of Italy is to go to the next round.

Matthias Rüb

Political correspondent for Italy, the Vatican, Albania and Malta, based in Rome.

F. A. Z.

The she-bear had on 22. June, attacked on the Monte Peller, two hikers, and one of them seriously injured. On the basis of saliva traces on the clothing of the victim, the animal was identified: It is the 14-year-old female with the name of JJ4, the second oldest animal in the meanwhile, around a hundred copies of the growing population of Bears in the Region. The female bear was with her three cubs on the road.

In 1999, the EU had initiated the project “Life Ursus”, in order to make first of all, in the natural Park Adamello-Brenta in the Dolomites and later in the whole of the Alpine region bear back home. In order to achieve a stable Population of 50 to 60 animals, were exposed to ten young bears from Slovenia and Croatia. This goal has already been surpassed years ago, and since then, is a matter for debate, how to deal with the “surplus” of bears is.

The now conspicuous bear JJ4 comes from the “Problembärin” Jurka, which belongs to the first Generation of bears in the nature Park. In 2007, the animal was captured again, because the attempt at its suspension was declared in the wild for a failure. Again and again, Jurka had approached villages and farms, the natural fear of people had come to her loss. Now Jurka in the Alternative Wolf and bear Park in Bad Rippoldsau-Schapbach in the black forest lives.

bear traps are not degraded

even before the resettlement Jurkas one of their descendants had caused a stir: the animal JJ1, better known under the name of Bruno. The had made at the beginning of may 2006 on the way from the Trentino over the Alps and became the first wild brown bear in upper Bavaria for more than 170 years. However, Bruno was at least as problematic as his Mama, took sheep, and even Pets, if it got hungry. Finally, he was declared by the Bavarian state government to the “Problembär” and on 26.In June 2006, a hunter shot.