At the initiative of the left, the Senate adopted on Friday November 10 a system aimed at protecting the victims of “slum traders” – poorly housed by abusive landlords – by granting them a temporary residence permit when they have complaint. In the debate on the bill relating to immigration examined since Monday by senators, an amendment from communist senator Ian Brossat was adopted by show of hands, with a favorable opinion from the government.

It plans to grant a temporary residence permit for a period of one year, renewed for the duration of the criminal procedure, to undocumented immigrants who file a complaint against an owner who abuses their vulnerability by housing them in poor conditions. unworthy. “This system will allow us to better detect situations of unsanitary buildings, protect victims who are afraid to file a complaint because they fear being subjected to an OQTF [obligation to leave the territory], and to give them access to social housing after having , often, experienced hell,” greeted Ian Brossat.

The Minister of the Interior, Gérald Darmanin, who discovered this proposal during the meeting, welcomed it. “What is interesting in your approach is the denunciation and protection of the person. I suggest we explore this very good idea,” he said.

This opening convinced the senatorial majority of the right and the center, which also adopted a government proposal aimed at toughening sanctions for these slumlords.