Germany’s population climbs year by year to new record levels. Neither in Imperial Germany nor during the Nazi period, more people lived in the country. As the Federal Statistical office informed on Friday in Wiesbaden, Germany, increased the number of inhabitants also in 2019 and reached 83.2 million. However, the growth flattens: An increase from 147.000 means the lowest population increase since 2013.

In the three decades since German unification, the population has grown in most years with the exception of the years 1998 and 2003 to 2010. This increase is due, according to the statisticians, however, exclusively on immigration. Otherwise, the population would shrink since 1972. Since then, more people have died each year than were born.

in 2019, wandered about 300,000 people, more than. In this case, the Plus has become, however, in the fourth year in a row, small. In 2018, net Migration was about 400,000. In 2015, the net migration had increased due to the refugee crisis extremely hard to 978.000 people; now it has fallen back to the level of 2012.

Regional differences in population growth

at the same time, the Federal Republic of Germany there is a growing birth deficit: in 2019, there was 778.000 births and 939.500 deaths. This results in a deficit of around 161,000 results. The average age of the population increased in 2019, slightly by 0.1 years to 44.5 years. Over a century ago (1910), it was still at 23.6 years.

The development of the population varied from region to region: in Percentage terms, Berlin had (plus 0.7 percent), Brandenburg, Bavaria, and Hesse (in each case, plus 0.4 percent), the highest growth rates. In contrast, the number of inhabitants decreased most in terms of percentage, in Saxony-Anhalt (minus 13.500 or minus 0.6 percent), Thuringia (minus 9.800 or minus 0.5 percent) and the Saarland (minus 3.600 or minus 0.4 percent). For the former Federal region (without Berlin) results in a population increase of 143.700 people (plus 0.2 percent). In the new länder (without Berlin) the population decreased to 20,800 thousand persons or 0.2 percent. An exception to the Trend in the East of Brandenburg, was due to the proximity to Berlin, with an increase of 10,000 inhabitants.

the growth of the foreign population slowed down in the year 2019, while the number of Germans fell: the end of 2019 72,8 million Germans lived (minus 161.000 or minus 0.2 percent) and 10.4 million foreign citizens (plus 309.000, respectively, plus 3.1 percent) in the Federal Republic of Germany. The share of foreigners increased over the previous year of 12.2 to 12.5 percent. The average age of the population increased slightly by 0.1 years to 44.5 years.