Offensive tackle

This man is called Gary Lineker. Former football champion and star presenter of the famous program “Match of the Day”, on the BBC, since 1999, he has just put England on fire and blood. In question, a tweet condemning an anti-migrant reform project of the Conservative government. “This is an incredibly cruel measure against the most vulnerable people, in language not unlike that used by Germany in the 1930s…” he wrote. Scandal. Suspension. Psychodrama. Then reinstatement.

In the navy

So which team to support? That of the pro-government castigating the lack of reserve of an ungrateful employee of public television or that of the pro-Lineker praising the latter’s moral sense and righteousness? With the cowardice that characterizes us, we will content ourselves here with saluting the sense of style of the former footballer. It is not common to see a public figure wearing the navy suit so well. In France, in any case, most of those who parade in the news and on our screens shine, pull, squeeze, mold, strap, yawn…

cut at home

In practical terms, there is nothing particularly magical about Gary Lineker’s two-button suit, but it is characterized by a generous lapel, an elegant notch and a precise shoulder. A bit too narrow at the waist, which explains the few folds at the buttoning, it is probably made in a flannel or a mixture of wool and cashmere. The costume in question is also accompanied by a white poplin shirt whose collar is long enough to come judiciously slip under the collar of the jacket. What no one here seems able to do.

National Defense

Let’s continue a little longer, since Gary Lineker also seems to have perfectly mastered the art of the tie. This silk model appears in the best taste. To tell the truth, it takes on a particular meaning in the context. While many criticize Gary Lineker for his disloyalty to the authorities of his country, the player can retort that he wears an English club tie. The orientation of the stripes (downward, from left to right) corresponds to the British tradition while the opposite orientation refers to a typically American heritage.

Nice game

What can we conclude from this in-depth analysis of Gary Lineker’s neat grooming? That the average clothing culture of the English is infinitely superior to that of the French? The thesis is seductive, but, in the country of the dreadful Boris Johnson, let’s dare another explanation: an exceptional player, never warned over the course of sixteen years of career on the pitch, known for left-wing commitments which pushed him to welcome two migrants in his home for several months, would Gary Lineker be a nice guy? It is not impossible.