Federal Minister for family Affairs Franziska Giffey wants to avoid a further closure of the day care centers necessarily. “The complete closure is the last resort,” said the SPD politician on Monday in the ZDF-“morning magazine”. For this, however, would have to be all the necessary measures to be taken. “Hygiene is the A and O, Ventilation is very important.” In addition, it should be as solid as possible groups. If this is not possible, to ensure the day-care centres, at least, that the infection may happen in case of doubt, be traced.

in Addition, they spoke out for free Corona Tests in day-care centres. Educators should be able to at any time even without symptoms test, said Giffey on Monday in the ZDF morning magazine. In the new Kita-year with the proposed 100 percent rule operating it is going to take all measures for an infection to happen to counteract. In August, she wanted to convene a nationwide “Corona-day-care Council” with parents, carriers, countries, and municipalities.

On the question of Federal-wide regulations Giffey said that the countries had, in fact, desire their own rules to enforce. This jurisdiction of the countries had to respect that. “The Federal government are accompanied and supported.” A Mask requirement for day-care centres Giffey thinks is “not practicable”.

Laschet: “Must just at the beginning, be careful”

North Rhine-Westphalia’s Prime Minister, Armin Laschet, meanwhile, the mask compulsory for older children in the class rooms, defends his Covenant land. “Everywhere, where the distance is not feasible, we need to be right now at the beginning be careful,” said the CDU politician on Monday in the ZDF-“morning magazine”. To said the question of whether the obligation was also with a view to the current high temperatures is reasonable, Laschet: “Yes, that is reasonable. There are certain rules for children who are ill or to take into account the particular things have.“

With the mask, the duty applies to secondary and vocational schools in North Rhine-Westphalia from the start of School on Wednesday even in the classroom, is NRW passed a national exceptionalism. The Infection rates particularly in urban areas is very high, argued the Prime Minister. The obligation applies until the end of August. “I think this is a precaution, which is right at the beginning”, said Laschet. “In the long run you will not be able to do that, but we need better experience.”

the President of The German teachers ‘ Association, Heinz-Peter Meidinger, holds a mask of duty in classrooms is essential if the teaching should take place in the usual manner. “Who wants to be operating full classes, can’t get past the mask of duty,” said Meidinger, the “Passauer Neue Presse” (Monday). In Berlin and Brandenburg launched on Monday the new school year.