In raids against the illegal Internet trade course crime has enforced the police in Germany arrest warrants against eleven suspects, and a further 32 people were detained temporarily. During the RAID on Tuesday deployed more than 1400 police officers seized various weapons, drugs, Computer, money, and quantities of data from more than 300 terabytes, as in the case of the General Prosecutor’s office of Bamberg, located leading Central Cybercrime Bavaria office announced on Wednesday.

The RAID took place, therefore, within the framework of 328 investigations for the public prosecutors 232 Search warrants were obtained. In addition to the German police officers were also in Poland and Austria, civil servants are used.

drugs, counterfeit money, weapons

The information that were offered on illegal Goods and services of all kinds. Already a year ago – at the end of may 2019, has been taken of the 26 – year-old Administrator of the forum at the time of entry to Germany, at the same time the state of Brandenburg have seized the Forum. Since August of last year, I then identified a number of Federal States, cross-group against users of the platform.

the findings of the police indicate that the almost exclusive purpose of the forum is in the trade and exchange of information, data, tools, and Goods, either directly from the crime or the immediate Commission of further offences serve. In addition, it has been as a trading place for drugs, counterfeit money or illegally obtained accounts and credit card data, as well as the sale and purchase of cutting and stabbing weapons are used.