Mrs. Crimmins had taken to writing down the names of her lovers in a pretty little black leather directory. Shopkeepers, entrepreneurs, restaurant owners… the list was long. Which isn’t a crime, at least until the police poke their noses into it, before the bodies of his two murdered children are found in vacant lots in Queens, New York, on July 14, 1965. Indeed, fickle women are forgiven little. Violette Nozière or Pauline Dubuisson knew something about it! This somewhat saucy blonde becomes, for the police and the neighborhood, in this neat America of the 1960s, an armless mother, a cold-blooded animal. To the gallows the vicious! shout the crowd. Behind the portrait of this inevitably guilty mother, the journalist Anaïs Renevier depicts the life of American women at the dawn of the first feminist wave. But also a case that still haunts literary production. This is the first part of a series (an American state, a news story) launched by Society magazine and 10-18, attracted by the smell of the success of creative nonfiction.

The Alice Crimmins Affair, by Anaïs Renevier (Society and 10-18, 192 p., €7.50).

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