It was habitual in the Café Oto of London, local of concerts in the east, of some monthly evening of Krautrock karaoke. Most of those who caught Anárquicamente the Moogs and sintes were young awnless dressed as German farmers. They came from the south of the city and some were studying at the Goldsmith, a university in which Joy Division is a forced subject.
One of them was the androgynous Mica Levi/Micachu, very close friend of the Mount Kimbie (MK), Dominic and Kai duo. Together they star in the best song of 2017. It’s called ‘ Marilyn ‘ and it’s inconsequential: “I saw you looking at me/we could drive to the sea,” says the lyrics. The melodic landscape feeds on falsely sharp voices and cosmic details while in the background Arthur Russell appears. On MK’s third album, instrumental half, half sung, intense, cult and full of acid, there are also James Blake in a more blue record (‘ How We Got By ‘) and King Krule, who shouts in ‘ Blue Train lines ‘ Something about our lives resembling trains that cross the Cities.
Mount Kimbie. Love What survives. Warp/Music As Usual.