Fumigation is the combustion of plants producing vapors loaded with the active ingredients of the plant. This technique has been used for millennia by many populations around the world, such as the indigenous people of America for example, who use it during religious ceremonies, to purify spaces or to treat certain illnesses. On the American continent, white sage, with its elongated and pointed leaves, grows easily in the hot and dry regions of the southwest of the United States and in northern Mexico.

Inspired by this tradition, this bundle of dried white sage, tied with cotton string, is intended for domestic use. It allows you to deodorize, purify, dry out rooms that are too humid, eliminate fungi and parasites and therefore purify the air. La Sauge de Blanche, the family business that makes these little bundles, often combines other plant ingredients, such as orange and cinnamon, which in turn give off a pleasant scent when burning.

Smell is the only sense that never sleeps and is directly linked to emotions: it is for this reason that these natural fumes are often released in meditation rooms, in order to calm the turbulence of the mind. Lighting a sage stick from time to time, while ventilating, in the workplace can also have a beneficial effect on concentration and help alleviate anxious states.

Material Dried sage, dried orange, cinnamon stick.

100% organic green benefit. Naturally dried. Deodorizes and purifies the air.

Price From €5.50.