The sex crimes in the Catholic Church affected Kai Moritz calls “a timely implementation” of all 61 proposals for the abuse prevention, presented by a group of experts commissioned by the diocese of Limburg recently. “This must go fast and must not take years again, because that would mean a new violation of all Concerned,” says the 1976-born actor. Moritz had been abused as a child and a teenager for seven years of his priestly care of father in the diocese of Limburg sexually abused. Staff responsible covered up the fact that the offender is not retired, a criminal case against the man was there.

Tobias Rösmann

editor in the Rhein-Main-Zeitung.

F. A. Z. Twitter

He can see the study, “Affected, to hear, to prevent abuse”, although quite positive, says Moritz. He had experienced in the Church in the past few decades, but too often, that despite the announcements if nothing had happened. “For me, a large measure of self-protective skepticism remains.” That the perpetrators would not be named in the study, for reasons of personality to the right with a clear name, is not decisive. The naming would have been desirable. “Actually, the perpetrators should be brought to the Church to confess of their guilt.”

“it’s an Odd Form of activism”

From the enlightenment of the will of the Limburg Bishop, Georg Bätzing he had a good impression. “But it remains to be seen how this good will is enforceable. I have a doubt,“ says Moritz. From a purely symbolic proposals such as the abolition of the throne-like seats for the priests in the churches he does not think that little. “This is a curious Form of activism.” To him be important that, in addition to the prevention of the processing of the deeds remain in the view. To be the presentation of the study to Bätzing and Ingeborg Schillai, the President of the Limburg diocesan Assembly on Saturday in St. Paul’s Church in Frankfurt, he had not been invited. “I wondered about that.”

Marianne Brandt, the Chairman of the city Assembly of Frankfurt’s Catholics, is to say it is good that the study is the perspective of the Affected to the centre. The additional external project monitoring was also have been useful. The clear name of the personnel responsible in the diocese, which would have looked the other way and covered up, would be called in the study, you will find the right one. “They were Involved in. We must not turn a blind eye to what is happening,“ says Brandt. Is very important you consider it to provide the planned implementation of the proposals with a transparent time-plan, including a prioritization of sub-steps. “Also, the intermediate results must be made public.”