last September was the warmest since records

Vinaroz (Castellón) recorded on the 19th of October, a record 159,2 litres per square metre in an hour

The spokesman for AEMET believes that “by 2018 will go down in history” for your weather

A storm that occurs once every 1,000 years

The winter, which will begin next December 21, it might be more rainy than normal, with rainfall above the average in the Peninsula and the Balearic islands, and normal in terms of temperatures, after a fall of damp and very warm, the seventh warmest in 53 years and the fifth in this century, as predicted by the spokesman of the State Agency of Meteorology (AEMET), Delia Gutierrez.

During the press conference seasonal and to analyze the year 2018, has pointed out that there is a clear trend with respect to temperatures and expected a normal winter though, with “great caution” between January and march, there is a “slight” chance that they are a bit higher than normal.

Among the causes, he explained, the world is watching the start of an episode of the weather phenomenon ‘El Niño’, which will be accentuated in the coming months and this will cause the rain to flow to lower latitudes and to come to the Peninsula, while its influence on the stratosphere causes also an increase of the rains.

So, this winter will come after a fall very warm and humid. In fact, the spokesman of AEMET, Reuben Field, has highlighted that the quarter September-November was the seventh warmest since 1965 and the fifth warmest in the TWENTY-first century.

in Addition, has indicated that since 2011, all the autumns have had a higher temperature than the average in the whole of Spain, which “finds” a “tendency to fall warmer”. This year, the anomaly in autumn was of 1 degree centigrade above the average for the reference period (15,8 ° C), so that the average this quarter was 16.8 ºC, caused by the September warmer since there are records and an October and November “normal”.

The month of September, the warmest since records, had a start with temperatures higher than average, and is exceeded 40ºC in points of Andalusia, while in La Coruña, September 2, it reached 31,9 ºC, the highest temperature in that month in the city from which there are records.

The Field has also highlighted the episode cold that was recorded at the end of October, and that left less than -3ºC in Salamanca or Valladolid and a maximum in Oviedo 4ºC. Also, it has been said that in those days it snowed for the first time in history in a month of October in various provincial capital cities, such as Oviedo, Cuenca, Jaén, Valladolid and Zamora.

The sixth autumn wettest of the century

In terms of rains, the autumn was wet, with a value of 236 liters per square meter, which represents a 16 percent over the period 1981-2010, so that this was the sixth autumn wettest of the century, to the time that has reminded us that the fall of 2017 was also wet. The station was marked by contrasts, which turned out very wet at the side of the mediterranean, with points that triple the normal volume of rainfall, while that in the northwest of the Peninsula and in the bay of Biscay the quarter was somewhat more dry than normal and the rains did not come at 75 percent of usual.

The volume of rainfall was mostly between October and November, as September started dry and ended with a 29 per cent less rainfall than normal, while October was 26 percent, with the most rain, and November is 32 percent more wet the normal value.

record Rains

For months, has stated that September was a month of dry, but was marked by “numerous storms distributed throughout the national territory”; whereas, in October the rains were more abundant than normal in the regions of the cantabrian coast, in the archipelagos and in the middle east, and south.

The month has highlighted the episodes of torrential rains in the watershed Mediterranean peninsular and in the Balearic islands, who came to 232,8 litres per square metre in four hours the 9 of October in Colonia San Pere, Mallorca (majorca), a rainfall whose effects led to the deaths of thirteen people.

In Vinaroz (Castellón) on the 19th of October posted a record of 159,2 litres per square metre in an hour, which is a new event in that period of time in Spain. Gutiérrez, has stressed that there is no data in the observatory of more time because the rains were so abundant that the measuring apparatus broke.

In Alpandeire (Malaga) were collected 289,2 liters per square meter in six hours on the 22nd day of October, a fact that has also marked a new record for the whole of Spain.

although, the observatories that more precipitation has accumulated during the autumn has been the Reus-airport, with 464 litres per square metre, and in Teruel, with 242 litres per square metre. Both have reached a new record rainfall since we have records.

Gutierrez has indicated that the precipitation in the Mediterranean is due to that there was a mass of air “extremely wet” at low levels over the Mediterranean and the blockade of the anticyclone in Europe that favored a flow of lift “almost continuous” in the Peninsula. This added to the temperature of the surface of the sea has been “much warmer than normal”. YEAR 2018,

“2018 will go down in history”

with Respect to the behavior of weather of the year 2018, Gutierrez believes that the year “will probably go to the history of meteorology” in Spain. In particular, it has reminded that in February there was a warming sudden extraordinary that displaced the storms isolated to the subtropical latitudes, and this left precipitation is very abundant in the Peninsula. The spring, as it has continued, also had numerous’DANAS, and a number of “very high” of storms”, while the first half of the summer was “uncharacteristically cool” which was followed by a wave of heat “historical” in August and followed a fall wet.

In total, between the extraordinary phenomena have been recorded 19 tornadoes, 13 rainfall, sudden downpours, 8 tubas, 7 hail extraordinary and 5 blowouts.

The second year with the most rain

For its part, The Field has advanced with provisional data –up to the December 12,–, the year 2018 will end up as one year “warm”, with an approximate temperature of 15.5 ºC, which is almost half a degree (about 0.4 ° C) warmer than the temperature normal for the year. “Only three years in this century have been less warm than usual, and had a difference of 0.1 ºC.

The data put 2018 as the fifth consecutive year in which the temperature in the whole of Spain is above the average and probably will be as the décimosegundo warmest year since 1965, and the ninth warmest of the TWENTY-first century.

In terms of the rainfall, until the 30th of November has been the second year with the most rain of the entire series, only surpassed by 1969. “It is likely to finish in the five-year wettest since 1965 and among the three with the highest precipitation within this century.”

at the time, has stated that the first eleven months of the year totalled at the year that is ending as the second wettest of the entire series from 1969, with a 20 per cent more rainfall than the annual average.

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