wild pigs and a naked man was delivered recently at Berlin’s devil’s lake a curious chase. Because of possible risks to people, the Berlin Country wants the friendly animals – a sow and two piglets – to the popular lake forest service keep an eye on. The Situation is not there is acceptable, but if and when the Bache will shot down, let him not be binding to say, said the spokesman for the Berlin forestry, Marc Franusch, on Friday on request. It was planned because of the current situation is not a quick and targeted killing of the female animal. Earlier, several media had reported on the subject.

and also due to the to small young animals, the firing forbid currently, stressed Franusch. He hoped currently, instead, in worse weather, so that the track wild is a different strategy of pigs in search of food. At the lake you have it apart on the food of the bathers and garbage left behind.

respect for the wild animals was necessary, said the spokesman. It was to be expected with a large Outcry, if people would get hurt. In the case of feral pigs, it is important to keep your distance and do not anzufüttern, whether consciously or unconsciously, by garbage.