Six weeks ago, that Peggy Welkener, 70, your life’s dream to meet and to Mallorca wanted to emigrate. Your apartment in Flein, near Heilbronn, Germany had terminated to the end of March, a new apartment in Can Picafort, in the North-East of the island where it was rented. For the 29. In March they had booked a eurowings flight, but the corona is cancelled due four days prior to the scheduled Start time. First of all, Welkener lived with friends for six weeks, she now lives in the Hotel “sun” in Talheim, Germany.

Katrin Hummel

editor in the Department “life,” the Frankfurt General Sunday newspaper.

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Hans-Christian Rößler

Political correspondent for the Iberian Peninsula and the Maghreb, with its headquarters in Madrid.

F. A. Z.

But next week it is finally so far: On Thursday you will fly with Tuifly to Mallorca, and then you can go and, hopefully, unhindered in their new apartment without having to for 14 days in home quarantine in Spain actually still for immigrants; according to the previous plans, the limits will only be back on 1. July opened.

Welkener is but one of nearly 11,000 German tourists, participants of a pilot project that may travel next week, without this essential restriction on the Balearic Islands. They all benefit from a derogation: In the airplane you will need to fill out a form about their health condition, after landing her body temperature is measured. Later, the Balearic health authorities contact them and ask to be in. Only anyone who displays symptoms, will be tested and in case of a positive result in a property brought to the regional government.

this rule also applies to you, know Welkener only for three days: “I have read in the Newsletter of the Mallorca magazine’ that all the flights whose flight numbers begin with a ,X3′, authorized flights are and exception,” she says. That’s why she is now sure that you will not be sent back at the airport, and is full of anticipation.

In Spain, the enthusiasm about the return of the German tourists, however, limits, because the Locals may 1 in your country is still expected to to to. July not free to move. “We had a week long-not even on our own residential street walking,” says Sabina Ostermann, a German from Braunschweig, who has been living for 29 years in the vicinity of Santa Margalida in Mallorca. Only been 14 days since the Restaurants have opened again and now the beaches are filled with Locals, because who lives in Madrid or Barcelona, can dream of a bath at the Playa de Palma only. Contemplative it is at the moment, life on the island, “because you don’t hear at every table, in German,” says Ostermann. She’s afraid that the infection rates are now rising again, because the tourists bring Corona: “Then we are all locked up again. We find the actions of the regional government of disrespectful.“