The case had everything to get the (British) tabloids excited: two gamer wives (Rebekah Vardy and Coleen Rooney) in designer clothes and high heels, allegations of cheating and gossip and millions of dollars.

In the end, Rebekah Vardy lost to Rooney in court. The judge in charge ruled that Vardy leaked stories about Coleen Rooney to the press.

Now, for the first time, Leicester City player Jamie Vardy’s wife has spoken out and done some damage control. In an interview with British newspaper The Sun, she described the moment after Rooney canceled her post in 2019 accusing Vardy of cheating. She was in Dubai at the time and was appalled by the allegations.

“I had a missed call from a withheld number, but then she (Coleen) texted me and said, ‘I tried to call you,'” Vardy said. “I called her back and said, ‘What the hell is that?'” the player’s wife recalled.

The background: On her Instagram and Twitter profile in October 2019, Coleen Rooney accused her actual girlfriend of betraying and betraying her. For a long time she suspected that someone from her circle of friends would pass on details from her private Instagram stories to the British newspaper “The Sun” and therefore considered a strategy to convict the traitor. Because of her detective work, Rooney was dubbed “Wagatha Christie” in the media. A combination of the English term for gamers’ wives, “WAGs” (“Wives and Girlfriends”) and Agatha Christie.

“I blocked everyone from seeing my Instagram stories except for one account,” she wrote. “I’ve been posting a bunch of fake stories over the past five months to see if they would make their way onto The Sun. And you know what? They did!” explained Wayne Rooney’s wife. “I’ve taken and saved screenshots of all of the stories clearly showing that only one person saw them. It’s…Rebekah Vardy’s account.”

In the interview, Vardy explained that she was not angry with her former girlfriend and would even go for coffee with her if the opportunity arose. What bothers her, however, are the many hate messages she receives every day. “It’s like I killed someone,” she revealed.

“I think I probably have PTSD,” she told The Sun. “I feel physically ill speaking about the trial and what happened and I have nightmares. I haven’t received a diagnosis yet but I know I may need further therapy. It’s been a horrible time,” Vardy said .

After the defeat in court, the player’s wife and her husband could face financial worries. There is talk of an estimated sum of three million pounds in damages including legal fees.

Quelle: “The Sun”