in Spite of the Corona-pandemic stormed on Thursday, tens of thousands of British people to the coasts in the South of their country. In Bournemouth, the forces no longer needed to trigger even a “serious incident”, because the situation was out of control. The use of forces more rights and voting opportunities.

Such multitudes have given it only at the holidays, shared with representatives of the city. “We are absolutely appalled by the scenes on our beaches …. in the last 24 to 48 hours.“ Emergency workers complained about illegal Parking, traffic jams, rubbish pollution, the aggressive behavior of beach visitors and the abuse of alcohol at high temperatures.

A member of the city, Tobias Ellwood, said the Guardian, half a Million people were on the beaches came. The Situation was so overwhelming that the British government should intervene to help the Council in addressing the crisis. He criticized: “Many people have chosen to act not only irresponsible, but also dangerous. We have made such progress in the fight against this pandemic. It would be terrible if Bournemouth is the only place in the UK, gets a second wave. “

The Thursday was the hottest day of the year in England. In the afternoon, about 33 degrees at the airport, London-Heathrow measured.

Within England are also allowed in the Corona-crisis day trips. Thus, it attracts people from the million-metropolis of London to the coasts. The UK is the worst of the pandemic-affected country in Europe.

The government in London announced on Wednesday a comprehensive relaxations of the months-long Corona limitations. Accordingly, it is allowed now to go to the beach. However, the people are called to adhere to the distance rules. Restaurants, Bars and Hotels are allowed only at the 4. July open.

“We are clearly still in a health crisis,” said Deputy chief of police of the County of Dorset, Sam de Reya. Crowds of people, the one and the same place in the event that be an additional burden for the emergency services, he criticized.