The people in Germany should be prepared at the weekend in sweltering temperatures, sometimes heavy Thunderstorms, hail and squalls. On Saturday afternoon, there were, according to the German weather service (DWD) in some areas of the country Thunderstorms in parts, and heavy rain.

Heavy Thunderstorms and rain showers caused numerous fire service operations: Alone in Lübeck, the forces moved in after heavy rains in a short period of time about 200 times. Two people injured in the district of St. Jürgen in the case of a lightning strike, such as the fire and rescue services. They were taken to a hospital. The lightning had caused a fire in a shed next to a residential building. The two people were at the time of the impact in the immediate vicinity.

Almost the same time, there was in Lübeck, another fire in the district of St. Gertrud. Around 200 firefighters were in the Hanseatic city in the early afternoon at work. They had to also take care of numerous flooded basements and alarms due to the triggered fire alarm systems.

The storm moved in on Saturday over large parts of Hamburg and Schleswig-Holstein in the direction of the Baltic sea. The “Baltic sea newspaper” reported on its website that Storm at the border to Schleswig-Holstein between Groß Sarau and Schoenberg, as well as between the cross Wismar and the roadhouse Fox mountain would have brought the traffic on the highway 20 temporarily to a Standstill. In places, had been in the water 20 centimeters high on the roadway.

Also in the adjacent Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, the fire Department was working tirelessly. Especially in Wismar, there were many inserts, as a spokesman for the Regional control centre said on Saturday. There is a basement and underground car parks are running full.

rain showers and Thunderstorms on Saturday over Berlin. First of all, no major damage in the capital, however, known how the fire and rescue services. The forces had been indented in the afternoon to a flooded basement and occasionally because of fallen trees caused. The DWD warned, however, that it could come in the night to extreme storms. In some places could fall heavy heavy rain with more than 60 litres per square metre, it said. Also squalls are possible. On Sunday should calm the weather again.

In Franconia and Saxony on the mid-to lower-Saxony forecasts of the DWD for Sunday, once again, showers and some strong Thunderstorms with enhanced severe weather risk as a result of heavy torrential rain and hail. In the North, East and North-East the longer it stays Sunny and dry. Further to the southwest of the South of Bavaria and Baden-Württemberg up to the Rhineland, there are with changing to heavy cloud cover, regional rainfall, with individual storms. The maximum temperatures are usually between 21 and 25 degrees, in the East to 28 degrees in the South, as well as at the lake just under 20 degrees.