Planning a road trip means you need to make sure you are packing everything you need. However, this also means you need to make sure you are not overpacking because you just have a pair of saddlebags by your side and nothing else. In case, you overpack you might be just trying to adjust things around in additional bags, which means more luggage, more space, and more weight to balance. This also means you will be getting tired more easily on your way as you are carrying a lot of weight. Overall, packing for a road trip where you can only carry limited weight means you have to be very picky. Additionally, it is advised that you must know how to customize things according to the weather, your destination, and the bags that you are carrying along. In most cases, people like to carry leather saddlebags however, depending on the overall luggage size and its weight, sometimes people also choose hardcover saddlebags. In some cases, the small kits and smaller equipment are loaded in the saddlebags but relatively larger equipment is loaded in the bigger bags or tied on the motorcycle back via ropes.

For a professional biker, this is quite easy however, for someone who is new and has no idea about the packing process, it can be a quite daunting process to pack for a road trip. Few things that everyone must do before packing for the destination or a road trip is to get a road map. In most cases, people like to rely on GPS, however, you trusted old road maps can come in quite handy because you are saving yourself a lot of struggle. This is especially important because you might run out of battery on your way or in some cases, you want to save that battery for important things. Additionally, you must keep an eye on weather updates.


Additional information that will help you pack better, includes the route that you are going to take for the trip. How long is your trip? What are you going to do at your destination? All these questions will help you know what you require for your road trip. If you are going for a recreational trip, chances are that you might have to carry your clothes, camping items and other things along with you. Additionally, you must also take along your toolkit, food items, and other things that you might need on your way. Sometimes people like to travel with a bunch of friends, which means you can somehow adjust things and share things. However, if you are traveling alone, you need to adjust everything in a very small and compact space. 

Weather Proofing

Weatherproofing means you need to carry a windshield, umbrella, and raincoat along with you no matter what the weather says. In most cases, bikers wear leather jackets, sunglasses, and hamlet for protection and they feel they are ready to hit the road. These things can be enough for a few hours journey but a longer period can be quite challenging. Even if you want to skip the umbrella, you still want to get a windshield and raincoat. Additionally, a thin plastic sheet can help you cover up your luggage and saddlebags, especially if you are carrying leather saddlebags.

Food and Water

There is no way you can leave your house without food and water. Water is quite an essential and even if you run out of water, you can buy it at any place, however, for the food we don’t recommend getting anything to eat at the gas station because they are quite expensive and you can never guess how old they are. Another very important thing that you need to keep in mind is the quality and type of food. Getting high-calorie food is always preferable because this will save you the hassle of carrying too much food. Additionally, chips bags filled with a lot of air are not helpful, so leave them at home.


Your toolkit can save a lot of time and energy. In most cases, if there is a minor default that you can fix yourself, a toolkit can be a lifesaver. Additionally, if you feel you can stop at a gas station to get a toolkit, you might be spending a fortune on a simple toolkit that might not be compatible with your motorcycle. If you are a true motorcycle-enthusiast, you must know every brand has its designated tool kit and if you love your motorcycle you might also be familiar with the issues that you face a lot. All these things collectively dictate the tools that you will be including in your toolkit. One thing that you need to make sure of while packing your toolkit is to get a solid cover because you don’t want to puncture your saddlebags.

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Torch, Compass, and Map

Just like old times, you must carry a torch, compass, and amp because no matter how we try, technology can never be 100% reliable. Additionally, you might want to save the battery for later, otherwise, you can also use your phone. If you know your destination already, you can skip the map but you still want to carry the torch because of safety reasons.


If you are carrying your food, you must also know your motorcycle also needs food. So make sure you have some extra bottles of fuel in your saddlebags. Another very important tip is to cover the fuel bottles very carefully because you don’t want them to stay exposed to external weather conditions. All these things in your saddlebags can make your road trip, fun, easy, and more convenient than you can ever imagine.